Thursday 28 July 2011

Singapore Are Good Actor! and why Malaysia team not wearing YELLOW jersey?

1st time in history of Malaysia! Football ticket was sold out!!!!
Over then 85 000 people was coming to Bukit Jalil Stadium to watch a game between Malaysia vs Singapore.
At Singapore, Malaysia has lost 5-3.. that's mean aggregate 2-0,
But one's again Malaysia lost however its a draw 1-1..
What's a problem here is,
Singapore was cheating with their trick by acting like injured! haha!
more then 10 times!
Good job Singapore.. Well done,
And congratulation you won this game.. '____________'
Its ok Malaysia, try harder next time, maybe this is not your lucky day..

And the most confusing here is,
why Malaysia team not wearing yellow jersey??
Actually yellow is for home jersey?
Maybe "N" ask for it, because he afraid and get trauma with that colour!

ticket sold out! over then 85 000!

Wow! Malaysia supporter!

Why Malaysia team not wearing YELLOW jersey?
think again :p

but they wearing this jersey? BLUE? away jersey?

Singapore player are good actor!

coach: Remember what have u learn in a acting class.
goalkeeper: Actually my ambition is want to be an actor like Aaron Aziz since I was child.

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