Thursday 21 July 2011

Hypocrite People Around Me

I don't know why all of this people changing so fast,
not even taking a month.. It's changing a lots! 
I don't know what I've done wrong to them,
I just told them what I want to tel.. 
I don't want to be a hypocrite! I just tel the truth.
Am I wrong????

Those people such a F hypocrite, there just acting to be nice
pretending to be good, even-though their hate me,
I can see it trough their talk and look at me.

Their think that their good enough? I don't think so~
Huh! wearing a scarf.. look so.... innocent and Alim, but lost her virgin before get married..
Is that Alim enough?
Always talk shit, saying a bad words, 
bab*, but*h, Puk**ak, and lots more!
Is that Alim?
not praying,
What a hypocrite......

I'm not saying that I am a good person,
I also done many bad things..
But I'm not hypocrite!
I show to them what's my attitude looks like,
and I am not hiding anything...
For me, hypocrite is the most bad attitude ever,
because we don't know what will happen next, It look so nice at outside, but inside? 
We don't know...
 and I am pretty sure,
it's gonna be bad...


because I'm not

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