Friday 22 July 2011

Home Sweet Home

So tired today, pack all my stuff,move some of it to my neighbor..
Because it's to many, how for me to carry all of it by bus?
With those blanket, towel, mattress, and lots more,
I just bring 1 back pack, with my shirts and pants only..
Maybe on Monday, I'll come back to take those stuff..
I will be here til 5 September, after Raya..
I really can't wait for that day..!
I came to my home by bus Sihat, that's mean Healthy.. LOL
I don't think it's healthy.. the bus is so like a piece of crap! 
But never mind, as long it can bring me home safely..
It's taking about 2 hour from Kuantan to my Home (Cherating).
on my way, a was fell a sleep, because so tired..
I woke up at Beserah.. I look outside the window and take a nice fresh air..
I miss it so much.. and I saw the beaches, so many coconut trees, and birds flying on the sky..
But sadly, When I reach to my home,
there is no one! LOL..
I'm so sleepy..
and I don't know what to do, and I post this blog..
So I must wait for my parents to get back home...

help me

Abah, where are you....?

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