Tuesday 26 July 2011

Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented (My Favorite Game Ever!)

This game is about a teenage girl name Rei Kurosawa who always got a nightmare,
On her nightmare she must capture a photos of ghost for killing them and get a clues!
by using Camera Obscura
Hurmm... sounds nice huh?
Even this game are old, since 2006, but I still make it as my favorite game!
I like the heroin.. so cute and chill! 
I guarantee, you will never play this game alone if u are pussy!
Me? naahhhh...~ I'm not pussy, I like to play this game alone, in the dark, at night!
So i can feel that I am in the game to with her..:)LOL!

The cover

the character 

in real mode

she used this 

to snap photos of (more closer more point you'll get) '______'

the ghosts that I hate the most to snap, is this siblings 

because they always together & coming from everywhere.
Isn't easy if they just like this..

and luckily, no ghost like this

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