Sunday 24 July 2011


What happen with those couple, changing their Facebook account,
for what? Aren't there trust each other, hurm.. 
Now I get confused, with who I'm chat with..
Ahh.. Never-mind,
And here is the story, Firstly, I thought that I was chat with a girl,
suddenly she said that "I am her boyfie, What do you want? Trying to tackle her huh?!"
What the hack, sorry dude, I'm looking and making some friend,
And I ask him, would you mind if u also be my friend,
Hahaha, he keep quiet about 5 minute,
and he want to meet me face2face,
Wow sounds like trouble,
But I'm not afraid of him, not because I'm a fighter,
Just because, I know i didn't do anything wrong, so what for I'm afraid of him?
I just said, "ok, tomorrow we meeet, and give your number please, I'll call you when I get there"
He said, "you already got my girlfriend number right, call her la..."
He don't want give his number because of this reason "my number is private."
What kinda reason is that?????
So confused..get more, more, and more confused...
And i felt so sleepy..
thank you guys, for making me sleepy...

I'm so

make me feel

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