Sunday 24 July 2011

Help Me.. I Want To PUKE!

So many poser and wannabe in Facebook!
They said that they are not a hot stuff,
But their photos can show that, they want to be hot stuff.
On info, all words that they wrote, can show that they are really2 poser,
it sounds like this, "you don't know who I am so shut ur F mouth" and " if you bad with me I can be more more bad then that" and "if you hate me, just remove me from your friend list"..and much2 more..
I'm sick to typing it..
come on.. if u not a poser or those such things, 
why when people add you, you approving them? For what?
For making your friend list to 5000?!
you already know, it show a "friends" list..
That's mean you must be friend and say hi to all of them.. Not being a arrogant person..
Such a childish, they think that they are hot and grown up enough..

the photos exactly like this

what a

make me want to

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