Saturday 30 July 2011


When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
And I wish I was special
You're so fucking special

But I'm a creep, Im a weirdo.
What the hell am I doing here? 
I don't belong here.

I don't care if it hurts
I want to have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice
When I'm not around
You're so fucking special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep, Im a weirdo.
What the hell am I doing here? 
I don't belong here.

She's running out again,
She's running out
She's run run run running out..

(I can't sing anymore~)
What ever makes you happy
Whatever you want
Your'e so very special
I wish I was special...

But I'm a creep, Im a weirdo,
What the hell am I doing here? 
I don't belong here.

I don't belong here.

Lyrics: Radiohead (cover)
Guitar: Pejal
Singer: Me

Thursday 28 July 2011

Singapore Are Good Actor! and why Malaysia team not wearing YELLOW jersey?

1st time in history of Malaysia! Football ticket was sold out!!!!
Over then 85 000 people was coming to Bukit Jalil Stadium to watch a game between Malaysia vs Singapore.
At Singapore, Malaysia has lost 5-3.. that's mean aggregate 2-0,
But one's again Malaysia lost however its a draw 1-1..
What's a problem here is,
Singapore was cheating with their trick by acting like injured! haha!
more then 10 times!
Good job Singapore.. Well done,
And congratulation you won this game.. '____________'
Its ok Malaysia, try harder next time, maybe this is not your lucky day..

And the most confusing here is,
why Malaysia team not wearing yellow jersey??
Actually yellow is for home jersey?
Maybe "N" ask for it, because he afraid and get trauma with that colour!

ticket sold out! over then 85 000!

Wow! Malaysia supporter!

Why Malaysia team not wearing YELLOW jersey?
think again :p

but they wearing this jersey? BLUE? away jersey?

Singapore player are good actor!

coach: Remember what have u learn in a acting class.
goalkeeper: Actually my ambition is want to be an actor like Aaron Aziz since I was child.

Poor Little Kitty :'(

I was watching news just now,
That is chinese woman was killed a kitten!
She got caught by CCTV, and police only warrant her RM400 only?!!
That is not fair!! 
Oh my god! How could her do that to the innocent kitten!
The mother cat want to rescue her kitten, also was kicked by that women and knocked with an umbrella!
And the kitten dead in front of her mom, with the woman stepped on it like a can!
The mother cat just stand and look at her kitten die..~

poor little

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented (My Favorite Game Ever!)

This game is about a teenage girl name Rei Kurosawa who always got a nightmare,
On her nightmare she must capture a photos of ghost for killing them and get a clues!
by using Camera Obscura
Hurmm... sounds nice huh?
Even this game are old, since 2006, but I still make it as my favorite game!
I like the heroin.. so cute and chill! 
I guarantee, you will never play this game alone if u are pussy!
Me? naahhhh...~ I'm not pussy, I like to play this game alone, in the dark, at night!
So i can feel that I am in the game to with her..:)LOL!

The cover

the character 

in real mode

she used this 

to snap photos of (more closer more point you'll get) '______'

the ghosts that I hate the most to snap, is this siblings 

because they always together & coming from everywhere.
Isn't easy if they just like this..

and luckily, no ghost like this

PASS! 1 more to go!

1 more to go man...!
I passed my computer exam to obtain my driving licence!
it's 46/50!!
Damn good huh! For me la, I don't know how much you guys got..
Actually I don't even read that yellow book, I answer it just from my experience
and certainly from my Abah stories, he is are prudent driver..!
Thank you Abah... 
I think that's good enough..
So this Saturday is circuit exam..hurm..
easy la... no problem la..
hoho...hope so..~ 

all done

Monday 25 July 2011

Amy Whinehouse to?? Is This Coincidence?

Last week i wast collect all hot female artists who was death by drugs. 
like Brittany Murphy, Marilyn Monroe and lots more.
And tonight I was shocked with this news, that is:
Amy Winehouse also dead by drugs!!!!
Come on.. Is this COINCIDENCE?!! 

Amy Jade Winehouse (14 September 1983 – 23 July 2011)

she in high school

I Really Miss Them So Much

Oh my goodness.. I really-really miss my lil' sister and my mama..
I miss you Eva, when you call me "bAbam".
When You dancing..
It's so cute... :'(
Makes me cry, I call her, she never pick up, I text her, she never reply,
I know I've don't so many wrongs..
I want to say sorry, But she don't want to listen..
Sorry mama for what I've done..

Going out together...

Dinner at Victoria Station.
Really miss this moment...


Goodbye My Pretty Hair

At last! The moment has come, for a long time that I never done before.
It's very short then before, I look young back, like a student..
After finish cutting my hair, I was laugh front of the barber,
I look at myself and I laugh, 
I can't believe it that I've done it.. 

from this

to this

Sunday 24 July 2011

Where Is The Love?

I'm sick to talk about this,
because I never had my first love.
Yah! I admit that I was had a girlfriend before,
as we know, she's a girl, and she's a friend..
combined it together it will become girlfriend,
isn't it?
I never had a real and true love before, 
their want me just for fun, my look, lust, luxury, and self-interest
I don't know when I will find my true love..
Until now, it's almost 2 years I being single.. 
Huh what the hack I'm talking bout this..
Maybe because I feel so lonely,
I need somebody to take care and love me, not because for their self-interest
just because they really do love me..
like Usher said:
I need a a girl to ride, ride, ride
I need a girl to be my wife
I need a girl who's mine all mine,
I need a girl i n my life.



Help Me.. I Want To PUKE!

So many poser and wannabe in Facebook!
They said that they are not a hot stuff,
But their photos can show that, they want to be hot stuff.
On info, all words that they wrote, can show that they are really2 poser,
it sounds like this, "you don't know who I am so shut ur F mouth" and " if you bad with me I can be more more bad then that" and "if you hate me, just remove me from your friend list"..and much2 more..
I'm sick to typing it..
come on.. if u not a poser or those such things, 
why when people add you, you approving them? For what?
For making your friend list to 5000?!
you already know, it show a "friends" list..
That's mean you must be friend and say hi to all of them.. Not being a arrogant person..
Such a childish, they think that they are hot and grown up enough..

the photos exactly like this

what a

make me want to


What happen with those couple, changing their Facebook account,
for what? Aren't there trust each other, hurm.. 
Now I get confused, with who I'm chat with..
Ahh.. Never-mind,
And here is the story, Firstly, I thought that I was chat with a girl,
suddenly she said that "I am her boyfie, What do you want? Trying to tackle her huh?!"
What the hack, sorry dude, I'm looking and making some friend,
And I ask him, would you mind if u also be my friend,
Hahaha, he keep quiet about 5 minute,
and he want to meet me face2face,
Wow sounds like trouble,
But I'm not afraid of him, not because I'm a fighter,
Just because, I know i didn't do anything wrong, so what for I'm afraid of him?
I just said, "ok, tomorrow we meeet, and give your number please, I'll call you when I get there"
He said, "you already got my girlfriend number right, call her la..."
He don't want give his number because of this reason "my number is private."
What kinda reason is that?????
So confused..get more, more, and more confused...
And i felt so sleepy..
thank you guys, for making me sleepy...

I'm so

make me feel

Saturday 23 July 2011

Licence (so excited! Can't wait to done it)

Today I was when to driving school at Kemaman,
For make a driving licence..
I waiting this moment for a long time ago.....
My mama ask me to do it and my Abah also..
But, I'm to lazy for doing it.. And now, last night i think back,
I'm getting old and old.. but not done for a licence yet, it's badddd....
and today, I make a decision, for make it!
I when to the school at 8.30..
I was met my schoolmate..
She have twin, both of them are pretty,
but sadly, I don't know them.
But she still remember sweet...
After that.. I get in to the class..and listen to the lecture, for a 5 hors, but not straight forward..
2 hours, break, 1 hour, break, 2 hours..and finish.. finish on 3.30..that's a long....time....
and I will take the exam on this Tuesday, I can't wait for it..
because so excited to driving!!!!

so damn

Friday 22 July 2011

Home Sweet Home

So tired today, pack all my stuff,move some of it to my neighbor..
Because it's to many, how for me to carry all of it by bus?
With those blanket, towel, mattress, and lots more,
I just bring 1 back pack, with my shirts and pants only..
Maybe on Monday, I'll come back to take those stuff..
I will be here til 5 September, after Raya..
I really can't wait for that day..!
I came to my home by bus Sihat, that's mean Healthy.. LOL
I don't think it's healthy.. the bus is so like a piece of crap! 
But never mind, as long it can bring me home safely..
It's taking about 2 hour from Kuantan to my Home (Cherating).
on my way, a was fell a sleep, because so tired..
I woke up at Beserah.. I look outside the window and take a nice fresh air..
I miss it so much.. and I saw the beaches, so many coconut trees, and birds flying on the sky..
But sadly, When I reach to my home,
there is no one! LOL..
I'm so sleepy..
and I don't know what to do, and I post this blog..
So I must wait for my parents to get back home...

help me

Abah, where are you....?

Thursday 21 July 2011

Lappy Everyday~

Everyday 4 sure I will see, watch, look, staring, facing or what ever on this thing..
I don't know why.. It's like a part of my life,
even-though it doesn't have online coverage, I still want to use it..
I still can editing some photos, playing game, watch movie..
Hurm... I think, I can't survive without it..
But soon maybe I'll get bored with it..

no matter the situation

I do love you Lappy..XOXO

This Is Why Google Made Angry Birds

Where Angry Birds Coming From?

This is why their got famous and top on a same time.
Is it a same time? I don't know.. I don't give a damn,
I just saw people wearing their shirts....:

Hypocrite People Around Me

I don't know why all of this people changing so fast,
not even taking a month.. It's changing a lots! 
I don't know what I've done wrong to them,
I just told them what I want to tel.. 
I don't want to be a hypocrite! I just tel the truth.
Am I wrong????

Those people such a F hypocrite, there just acting to be nice
pretending to be good, even-though their hate me,
I can see it trough their talk and look at me.

Their think that their good enough? I don't think so~
Huh! wearing a scarf.. look so.... innocent and Alim, but lost her virgin before get married..
Is that Alim enough?
Always talk shit, saying a bad words, 
bab*, but*h, Puk**ak, and lots more!
Is that Alim?
not praying,
What a hypocrite......

I'm not saying that I am a good person,
I also done many bad things..
But I'm not hypocrite!
I show to them what's my attitude looks like,
and I am not hiding anything...
For me, hypocrite is the most bad attitude ever,
because we don't know what will happen next, It look so nice at outside, but inside? 
We don't know...
 and I am pretty sure,
it's gonna be bad...


because I'm not

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Perfect Evil Couple

So sweet, so lovely, so cute, so adorable, so EVIL?
Wish i can be like them...:)

Stupid Italiano!

Yesterday I've met this old Italian! I hate u M F Italiano! 
you think you're clever enough! So why u ask me to do your think! Go do it by your self u assay! 
And don't say that me  suppressing a woman! I'm not that kind a person.. I think you are! And that's why u said so.. I respect all woman, I never bit them even shout to them before..
And don't even call me rempit! U dont know what it's mean! So shut ur F'ing mouth.. I dont even have a bike you moron! You come to my country, so behave your self, you are lucky that I am a passion person, if not I will kick your ass as faster as i can!

and this is what his look like :

Effect of Ketamine

  • Increase in heart rate
  • Slurred speech
  • Confusion, disorientation
  • Out-of-body experience
  • Shifts in perception of reality
  • Nausea
  • Sedation
  • Cardiovascular effects, including hypertension and tachycardia
  • Respiratory depression
  • Hypersalivation
  • Pleasant mental and/or body high
  • increase in energy
  • Euphoria
  • Sense of calm and serenity
  • Meaningful spiritual experiences
  • Enhanced sense of connection with the world (beings or objects)
  • Distortion or loss of sensory perceptions (common)
  • Open- and closed-eye visuals (common)
  • Dissociation of mind from body
  • Analgesia, numbness
  • Ataxia (loss of motor coordination)
  • Significant change in perception of time
  • Double-vision

pokemon come to life!