Monday 22 August 2011

Dataran Merdeka

My pet sis pick me up at 3 on sunday,
She bring me to round whole KL,
and we went to Dataran Merdeka..
Hurmm.. we took a lots of photos..
So many pose.. we ask for Bangla gay to take our photos..hoho..!
What a gay...~
Oh my...~

with pet sisters..

What a nice building huh sis?
ermmm.. no comment...


On 10 p.m..
She send me to Putra Station because my bus to cherating on 11p.m..
Dam! Traffic jam! I thought that I never reach to Putra Station on time.. but i was wrong..
I reach there just in a moment..hohoho!!
So sleepy, I seat between my two friends.. and I take a nap while lying down to her.. hoho..
Actually it just a inadvertent but never mind, it feel so comfort and warm..
We reach at cherating on 2.30a.m..
Oh my gosh.. I'm very shock when I meet Bro Safi, that also in a same bus..
We having sahur together,
And I forgot with two of my friends..
I thought that they was following me, but they just straight to their place..hoho..
Sorry guys.. Long time never meet him..
Hope you guys will understand..:p

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