Monday 15 August 2011


I had an accident last evening,
I don't how could that happen,
But there is no car, no air, not raining,
The weather was normal..
Hurm..I was pull my trotter without control it properly,
I was daydream on that time..
I thinking of her,
because she's like avoiding her self to stay with me,
well... when I ask to sit beside her, 
she moved away.. She told me that she will come back,
But she's not..
What have I done wrong to her?
I keep thinking about it,
and that's why a had an accident..
I told my parents that it was other people fault..
I don't want them to get worry with it..
Sorry abah..for lying to you..

And to day I'm not going to work..
A went to clinic for the medicine,
Oh my... the doctor cleaning up my cut,
It is painful.. hoho..
My leg can stop kicking the air..
But thanx doctor, for the M.C....:)

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