Tuesday 30 August 2011

Meet my oldskool friends..

I feel like I want to going out tonight, I don't know why..
I just want to visit all my old friend..
1st I went to Iswandi house..
It's just like coincident..
He also want to going out to visit Azrul's..
And we went to..
Have a chat and whatever..
Stories about what that we missed for..
After that, we went to Syaza's..
Hohoho.. when we reach to her house.. We can't stop laughing..
I don't know why..
Maybe so happy.. well long time never be like this since 2002..
That's a long..long time..huh..
After eat alot of ketupat..
It's now turn to visit my place..
Smoke Marlboro..~ 
Also play with bubu..:)

nice pose dude..

with the owner 

at my place...

Bubu also want take a photo..

It's been so long I being waiting for this moment..:)

Working on Hari Raya

Today I was on duty,
However it's on Hari Raya, but I still must go to work..
Damn.. woke up in the morning,
when all peoples when to Raya prey
but I'm going to work..
It was so busy at the hotel.
Many guest came for check out and check in..
So..so.. rushing..
Everything must done so fast..

Breakfast on hari raya..

work work work

arghh... now I'm so mental!

Suppose finish my job on 3..
But because it so busy..
I must finish at 7!!!

Monday 29 August 2011

No Hari Raya for me..:'(

I can't having my Raya, coz I'm on duty..
All my parents already at kampung..
They went on this evening..
So I am alone at home..
Tomorrow must be the sad day..
But never mind,
I wish to all Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..
Forgive me for what I've done wrong..
By the way.. Bubu still with me..
So I will celebrate Hari Raya with her... 

Saturday 27 August 2011

My Abah really hates video games

When he saw me played a video game he will mad a me,
He said 'don't you have anything else to do?!'
I just keep silent, because if I answer his question, he will mad at me..
So better I just don't say anything..
He suppose glad that I'm not going out and wasting time and money..
Am I wrong if I spend my time with playing video games?
Hurmm... I don't think so..
I think he mad because he don't know how to play.. and he must be jealous..

Friday 26 August 2011

Girls when shopping

Last night I was followed 5 of my friends that is all girls for shopping their baju raya..
But before that we went to buka puasa first..
then we go to shop..
Hurm... their making me so tired and my leg so faint..hoho..
they always not satisfied with their own decision..
I think the first choice is already find.. but their think not..
And make another choice.. the end.. nothing to buy at all..
What da....

Wednesday 24 August 2011

My new baby.. BUBU..

Poor little kitty..
Her brothers and sisters has been killed by the big orange cat..
She only 2 weeks old.. And now she alone,
I take her get into my room,
And I'll take care of of her til forever..
I wish...
Just now, I bought a bottle for her..
cause she don't know how to lick in a bowl..
Hurm.. I am her new mama now..
But she still don't want to feed by bottle..
hurmm.. I must force to feed her..
So sorry Bubu.. that's is all the way to feed you..
You are now my love Bubu.. We will share a great moment together..:)
But I will never forget Anja Boo..:'(

His siblings.. R.I.P

lonely Bubu..

I'll take care of you Bubu..

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Telok Mok Nik = Monica Bay :p

last evening I went to Monica bay..
I thought monica is the real name..
But the real name is Mok Nik..
haha!! monica is a english version.. cooll...~
We was having 'lunch' with KFC..
and take some rest.. after do some promotion..

what a fresh air....

so tired~

digging a cat's poop :p

Monday 22 August 2011

Dataran Merdeka

My pet sis pick me up at 3 on sunday,
She bring me to round whole KL,
and we went to Dataran Merdeka..
Hurmm.. we took a lots of photos..
So many pose.. we ask for Bangla gay to take our photos..hoho..!
What a gay...~
Oh my...~

with pet sisters..

What a nice building huh sis?
ermmm.. no comment...


On 10 p.m..
She send me to Putra Station because my bus to cherating on 11p.m..
Dam! Traffic jam! I thought that I never reach to Putra Station on time.. but i was wrong..
I reach there just in a moment..hohoho!!
So sleepy, I seat between my two friends.. and I take a nap while lying down to her.. hoho..
Actually it just a inadvertent but never mind, it feel so comfort and warm..
We reach at cherating on 2.30a.m..
Oh my gosh.. I'm very shock when I meet Bro Safi, that also in a same bus..
We having sahur together,
And I forgot with two of my friends..
I thought that they was following me, but they just straight to their place..hoho..
Sorry guys.. Long time never meet him..
Hope you guys will understand..:p

Kuala Lumpur for a day..

Oh my..long time never see you KL..
When i reach to KL..
Me and my friends was buka puasa at bus stop and ate KFC..
hohoho.. so cool...
Never had this moment before...
After that we going to our own destination...
My pet sis pick me up and we go around KL,
She also bring her lil' sis..
Both of them are so pretty and nice..
After that, she send me to Zarif place at Tiara Duta..
Me and him do a lots of activities in one night..
Meet another friends..
Steal Vitagens..
oh my.. it's been so long I'm not smoke a lots!
And we going back to his place,
I was knock out because so tired...~

crazy friends

I'm glad...hoho..

Now I know who is she...
She not suit with me
I'm glad that I just admire her and not fall in love with her..
Cause I follow that what has my uncle told me before..
"Don't you ever fall in love to the girl with a first sight"
Now I know why he said so...
Well... I knew it, it will happen..
I think just let it be..
But, I still admire with her eyes..

Wednesday 17 August 2011

This is a job..

This evening I went to Mesra mall at Kerteh for doing some promotion for Ramadhan buffet.
I distributed some flyers to people not even get in 20 minutes...
After that we going inside the mall, and look around.. 1 of my friends bought a novel, Awang mushi or what ever, I forgot the title already..
And this is the thing that I never expect..
We went to cinema,
Firstly I thought it was a joke, 
They said that tey want to watch a movie,
But I was wrong~
They really-really want to watch a movie..
Oh my.... is this some kind a joke..
We having fun with watching Zookeeper..
Funniest animal can talk movie ever!!
The little monkey......~

Monday 15 August 2011

So sweet...~

Today 5 of my friends was visiting me,
but all girls..~
They come at my place after their finish their work..
So sweet...
Bring me an apples and orange..
hoho.. I like it..
Thank you guys for visiting me.. 


I had an accident last evening,
I don't how could that happen,
But there is no car, no air, not raining,
The weather was normal..
Hurm..I was pull my trotter without control it properly,
I was daydream on that time..
I thinking of her,
because she's like avoiding her self to stay with me,
well... when I ask to sit beside her, 
she moved away.. She told me that she will come back,
But she's not..
What have I done wrong to her?
I keep thinking about it,
and that's why a had an accident..
I told my parents that it was other people fault..
I don't want them to get worry with it..
Sorry abah..for lying to you..

And to day I'm not going to work..
A went to clinic for the medicine,
Oh my... the doctor cleaning up my cut,
It is painful.. hoho..
My leg can stop kicking the air..
But thanx doctor, for the M.C....:)

Saturday 13 August 2011

Happiest Dinner Ever!!

My Iris went to my house for having "buka puasa"..
Oh my, It is never happen to me before..
I feel so lucky today..
I wish It will happen again,
I facing her again,
And 1 more time it's making me eat a lots!
She pour my drink..~
She and her friends was helping my mom serve dinner, and cleaning up after finish..
But she was going first to do that..
So polite...
I can't stop looking into her eyes..

But I must remind myself that, 
She's not mine!
And I will try to make it happen!

Friday 12 August 2011

What a beautiful eyes

I can't stop looking into her eyes.. Oh my..
So pretty..
We going out having "buka puasa" together at Tg Lumpur,
But not just two of us.. with our friends also..
Only me a guy.. hahaha..
When i take our order,
she came to me.. and stand at my side.. oh my.. I feel so glad..:)
When I having my meal, I sneak peak look at her.. 
That's making me eat a lots!! 
After that, we went to East Coast Mall,
Window shopping..~ well girls...~
I don't know how to tel how happy I am on that night..

oh my..dam full!

food monster! :)

 What a beautiful

But, she's not mine, just an admire..~

Thursday 11 August 2011

Long time never feel like this..

Last evening,
I was had a chat with this cute and nice girl,
We spend about 1 hour, while I waiting her friends borrow my bike for buying "buka puasa" meal..
so many stories that we share..hoho...
And come into my mind for guessing her birthday,
I've got a right month, but a wrong day, actually not really wrong.. just 12 to 2..
When I try to guess her birthday, I look into her eyes..
Oh my... she got a pretty iris and eyelash..

Time is running so fast..
I must go back home for buka puasa,

On the night, she text me and ask if I can "lepak" with her and friends? 
For sure I will say yes!
I sneak out and took my bike slowly...
and met her at cafe..
Suddenly 1 couple came to our table..
Because she asked for it,
For lecturing them!!
Now I know that she are so straight and fierce.. 
But still look funny, because she not suit whit that..
I can stop giggle..

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Greatest animation!

hahaha!! this animation was so nice!
Simple plot but marvelous..
Suitable to watch with any ages..
great censored cover..haha!
(son of a "*ieekkk..")
*sounds of eagle

Johnny Depp..~

This 4 old owls, oh my...


Tuesday 9 August 2011

Unpredictable tortoise

Wow! tortoise might be slow...~
But when they moved their head!
SNAP! Even flying creature cannot escaped.!

Good job Manja (the name for this tortoise I just gave :p)
You show the world that you are not to blur and slowmo..

Monday 8 August 2011

Atlast! New job :)

I've got a new job.
As you guys know that I'm already quit my job as admin at Air Asia,
and if u guys follow my blog, you will know why I do that for..
My new job now is front office at Suria Hotel!
I don't even care what and where am I working at..
As long I can get far away from hypocrite situation..!
I'm sure its much better here because, My working partner are my old friends!
So for sure doesn't have any problem with it..
They know my attitude, and so do I..
They said that I'm F lucky because, many people was came for the interview,
but they don't get a job.
Me, so easily.. I think it show that I'll be find here..:)
Thank you Allah..
For giving me this opportunity..


from this

to this

hurmm... it is very close..

Sunday 7 August 2011

Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes = Our Country

Oh my goodness!!
If you guys watch this movie, you will know what a message that they want to send!
Almost same like what happen in our country now.
The government, polices, and citizen.
People who is adored,
people who is suppressed,
people who need freedom,
people who need a right place..

and we also can see,
The cruelness of polices!
Water canon~ as a cage keeper use it to the apes..

The selfishness of government!
Always money..money..in their mind!
Suppressed all citizen without thinking of they needed.

Hope we, as a minded human, can take moral from this movies..
This movies is not nonsense,
It have a good message..

Same like on 9 Julai 2011 at Kota Raya huh?
Cruelness polices!

compare it

Don't Be Jealous......

Manson M1D1
Matthew Bellamy Signature Guitar

I feel something when listen to this song.. I feel like...

Neutron Star Collusion (Love Is Forever) - Muse

I am Muse addict,
if their make a new album or a new song, for sure I will know
and of course I will listen!
But this song, is a 1st time in my history that someone told me about it,
and she gave me to listen to it..
I will never forget this song and who gave it to me..
Cause it was so meaningful to me, or maybe to us..

what a sweet and nice lyrics,

I was searching 
you were on a mission
Then our hearts combined like 
A neutron star collision

I have nothing left to lose
You took your time to choose
Then we told each other with no trace of fear that...

Our love would be forever
And if we die, we die together
And lie, I said never
Cause our love, would be forever

The world is broken 
halos fail to glisten
We try to make a difference but
no one wants to listen

the preachers, fake and proud
Their doctrines will be cloud
Then they'll dissipate like snowflakes in an ocean

Love is forever 
and we'll die, we'll die together
And lie, I said never
Cause our love, could be forever

Now I've got nothing left to lose
You take your time to choose
I can tell you now without a trace of fear

That my love will be forever
And we'll die, we'll die together
And lie, I will never
Cause our love will be forever

I thought it is true..
But I wish it will..

to be continue.. ( hope so....)

Tuesday 2 August 2011

I'm quit! So long hypocrite!

I'm quit from my job as admin at Air Asia!
That is because of a,
As you know, if you guys follow up my blog you will know why,
I am F hate hypocrite people!
I will do anything to get away from it.
If i said, I will do it,
I am not hypocrite!
Hope those people will get a happiness without me..
And of cause, I'm very happy and I'll not regret with my decision..
I don't care what must I do as long I can get away from that situation!
And I wish on this Ramadhan I will get bless From Allah..
Because I know, my intention is good for them, and for sure for me.
I don't want to get more sins from that,
only just because of my feeling that hate them,
Hypocrite, we can't change that attitude.. 
It's enough! Just give away to them.
But it doesn't mean I am a loser..~

I should go far away from it..

The Most Meaningful Lyric For Me Ever!

This is the most meaningful lyric for me.. read it and you will know why...

How long
How long will I slide
Separate my side
I don't
I don't believe it's bad
Slit my throat
It's all I ever 

I heard your voice through a photograph
I thought it up it brought up the past
Once you know you can never go back
I gotta take it on the otherside 

Centuries are what it meant to me
A cemetery where I marry the sea
Stranger things could never change my mind
I gotta take it on the other side
Take it on the other side
Take it on
Take it on 

How long
How long will I slide
Separate my side
I don't
I don't believe it's bad
Slit my throat
It's all I ever 

Pour my life into a paper cup
The ashtray's full and I'm spilling my guts
She wants to know am I still a slut
I gotta take it on the otherside 

A scarlet starlet
And she's in my bed
A candidate for my soul mate bled
Push the trigger and pull the thread
I gotta take it on the other side
Take it on the other side
Take it on
Take it on 

(How long will I slide)
How long
How long will I slide
Separate my side
I don't
I don't believe it's bad
Slit my throat
It's all I ever 

Turn me on
Take me for a hard ride
Burn me out
Leave me on the other side
I yell and tell it that it's not my friend
I tear it down
I tear it down and then it's born again 

(How long)
How long
How long will I slide
(I slide)
Separate my side
I don't
I don't believe it's bad
Slit my throat
It's all I ever had

(How long)
I don't
(I don't)
I don't believe it's bad
(I don't)
Slit my throat
It's all I ever

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Otherside

I miss you so much Anja boo! :'(

Rest in peace my dear Anja boo..
I miss this moment when we left by Mama at Opah's..
But never mind.. as long we stay together.. 
But now, no more.. u gone to soon...
I really2 miss you Anja Boo...

He love to smell my foot, only mine..

when he got scared.. 

rest in peace my Anja Boo

Fasting = puasa:)

The moment we waiting for has come!
Hoho, I hope I will done without miss even for 1 day!
Because, long time I never done it before, I always miss to do it..hurmm...
What a shame,...
Silly me..
And 1 more thing, on this Ramadhan, I wish that i will got bless from Allah..
and I prey a goodness to all my family and friends..:)

Ramadhan Kareem