Wednesday 28 September 2011

Oh my..I need a girl..~

It's almost 3 years I being single..
I think, now is the time for me to searching someone..
but who???
Oh my..that's the problem..
Maybe I still waiting for her?
Neyhh... she's already have someone else..
hurmm... I understand, it's ok.. never mind..
I wonder who is that girl that I looking for..
How is she looks like?
Some people said, love will come soon.. without we searching it,
But some people said, love will never come.. if we never searching it?
Hurmm... which one is true huh?
I think the second one, because it's being a long time I waiting for it..almost 3 years.. but where is it?
And this is the time for me make some action..hoho..
But I'm afraid that something bad will happen to me..
I'm afraid that the old story will happen again..
Because it's keep happen..again..and again..
But is it will happen again one more time??
I'm so confuse right now.. 
I feel like stupid.. cause I don't trust girls..
Girl so mean..!
easy to say.. HYPOCRITE!!
But I need a girl..
Ahhghh!!! just forget it.. I'm still young..what for have  girlfriend...
nonsense! Better I searching for money and luxury..
That's much better... INDEED!!! :)

Girls are hypocrite.. all or some.. it's up to you for judging it..

So many ways in our life.. it's up to you which way you want to go..

1 comment:

  1. kau same macam aku je. trying to get a boyfriend. tapi always failed. ahah
